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Friday 02, October 2020 Data eXchange specification version 20.3 published
Data eXchange specification version 20.3 published containing
- PFM function includes the internal and external status
- External status date and reason codes added to account summary
- Fraud suspension strategy, start date and end date added to function 1480
Monday 29, June 2020 Data eXchange specification version 20.2 published
Data eXchange specification version 20.2 published containing
- New Function - Support for Premium Loyalty Platform
- New Function - Authorization Request
- New Function - Transaction Posting
- Remove Appendix F due to redundancy
- New Function - Retrieve Emboss Requests
- New Function - Cancel Emboss Request
- Function 1452 documentation update - if possible fraud questionable transactions need to be included in the MEMO_LINE_#_TX fields
- Function 1436 Statement Summary add counts for adjustments, cash advances, credits, payments, purchases
Add Merchant state and city and POS Entry Mode to all transaction history functions